How to Play "I Spy" While Discipling Your Kids

How to Play "I Spy" While Discipling Your Kids

We believe that powerful discipleship can happen in even the smallest of moments. ​​​​​​​​​
Here is a way to use a game of "I Spy" to share the good news of God's love and the hope we have in Jesus.

You can find this game and more fun activities in Club Theolaby's 5-Week Guide.


How to Play "I Spy" While Discipling Your Kids

Go on a walk and play “I spy” as you look for the following things. Take turns guessing what object is chosen by the spier.


Something dark in color
[This represents the sin and darkness that covered the world]

Something you love
[This represents God’s love for his people]

Something made of wood
[This represents the cross]

Something round and smooth
[This represents the tomb that was rolled away]

Something living
[This represents Jesus being raised from the dead and giving us new life]

Something light or bright

[This represents the light of Jesus that He gives to us!]