Theolaby Resource Library

On-The-Go Conversation Starters

Starting gospel-centered conversations can be made simple by keeping this free download on your phone. Pull these out in car-line, while on a walk, any where - any time.


Road Trip Discipleship PDF

Download these fun activities and conversation starters to invite Jesus into the small moments of your summer family road trip!


NEW Theolaby Coloring Pages

Download these coloring pages for your children to color as a perfect compliment to your Theolaby five book box set!


The Dream Guide | 2024 Parent Edition

Our children are the greatest legacy and contribution we're going to leave to the world, so don't settle for the small things - dream BIG and get started discipling your kids today using our free Dream Guide for Parents.


Back To School Prayer Prompts

Let's start this school year off on our knees for our kids. This free download is segmented for parents of the early years and the later years.


Club Theolaby // Week One: Creation

Download the Club Theolaby Week 1 Guide to walk your child through I AM CREATOR from The Story of God. These activities are perfect for 1 child or 100 so invite some friends to join you!


Club Theolaby // Week Two: Sin & The Fall

Download the Club Theolaby Week 2 Guide to walk your child through I AM HOLY from The Story of God. Join us as we review topics like sin & the fall.


Club Theolaby // Week Three: Christ

Download the Club Theolaby Week 3 Guide to walk your child through I AM RESCUER from The Story of God. This week we will be learning all about God's rescue plan for His children!


Club Theolaby // Week Four: The Holy Spirit & The Church

Download the Club Theolaby Week 4 Guide to walk your child through I AM WITH YOU from The Story of God. This week we will be learning all about The Holy Spirit and His relationship with the church.


Club Theolaby // Week Five: Heaven

We're wrapping up our time together this summer by talking about heaven! Download the Club Theolaby Week 5 Guide to walk your child through I AM FOREVER from The Story of God.


20 Questions to Ask Your Kids about God PDF

Download these fun, light-hearted questions for you and your child to talk about God throughout your day. You might be surprised by the answers they give!


Online Parenting Workshop - “Giving Your Kids a Big View of God”

Watch this exclusive 2-hour online event featuring Jennie Allen and special guests Max Lucado, Dr. Paul David Tripp, Ruth Chou Simons, Trillia Newbell, and Jeff and Alyssa Bethke! We all need encouragement and practical advice on things like everyday discipleship, how to talk to your kids about diversity, family culture, and more.


Encouraging Lunch Box Notes

Your kids might be experiencing some fear or anxious thoughts. This free download is inspired by The Story of God book set and the perfect tool to encourage your kid this week.
